
Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 Presets Downloads

  1. Nik Silver Efex Software
  2. Nik Silver Efex Pro 4
  3. Nik Silver Efex Pro Tutorial

4/27/2011 Our Jury selected presetsA jury from Nik Software and Digital Outback Photo selected presets we liked the best. This was not so easy because many of the 42 presets looked very nice.

Nik silver efex software

Nik Silver Efex Software

So here is our selection:Jury's Top PickRunners-upAll three picks will be notified by Nik Software and receive complementary Nik software.In the end we hope we all are the winners because we now have many presets to study and use as the basis for our own work.We plan a new contest soon with a different style of scene (likely more urban).The Contest #01 is now officially closed. Thank you all!4/25/2011 All Presets now available for downloadYou can now download all the presets for your own use and analysis. The pictures in the gallery and the name of the presets are matched by name.Thanks to all participants and followers.4/22/2011 End of submissionsWe don't accept any more submissions. We publish all presets ASAP and hope to have results about next week.4/20/2011 Rule changesAn internal jury from Nik Software and Outback Photo will select the top presets. A public vote does not really work with our gallery platform.MotivationUp until about 2007, Digital Outback Photo had about that were quite popular. Our contests were not so much about winning, but were more about sharing experiences so that we could all be the winners (ourselves included).So, we thought it was about time for a new contest! Converting an image from color to B&W allows many different interpretations.

Nik Silver Efex Pro 4

There is not really a right or wrong way to do it and it is often just a matter of personal style. Exploring the “style” of black and white conversions is the theme and motivation of this new contest.A Note on CopyrightThis image provided can only(!) be used in the context of this contest and the only site that has the right to publish images is Digital Outback Photo (or other sites that were granted permission, in this case also Nik Software). If you want to use this image for any other purposes (e.g.

Marketing) you can acquire a license from us.ResultsWe post selected results here in the.Note: You can view and download the results for your own inspection up to original size.At the end of the contest we will make also all presets used available to our readers.The Silver Efex Pro 2 Preset Contest #1Why did we chose just one software and not all B&W tools in the market?. Silver Efex Pro 2 (SEP2) is a leading state of the art B&W tool. SEP2 allows to exchange presets. This way there is no needs for any textual descriptions as the preset contains all instructions (Control Points excluded). We want to make sure that all of our readers can experience the conversions on their own machines. This will also enable them to create their own presets derived from the original.This time we selected a landscape photo taken with the Canon EOS 60D.Contest Rules. You need a version of Silver Efex Pro 2.

Nik silver efex pro tutorial

Don't worry a demo version (works for 2 weeks) will do.Demo version of SEP2 can be downloaded from. Download the original image (16 bit TIFF zipped).

Nik Silver Efex Pro Tutorial

Create a B&W version you like. Important Note: Although the Control Points are a very powerful and unique feature in SEP2 they cannot be saved inside a preset. This means for this contest you cannot exploit them. Create a preset from the settings you used (read note about Control Points above).

For anyone interested my experience is that Dfine is all around an excellent denoiser, newest topaz DN6 probably the best (also more time consuming) close followed by noiseware. Silvereffex is nice too, silkier than almighty tonality street dog. Sharpener Pro is also alright, mix (lighten and darken layers) to lessen effect, good clarity, you can configure it (well all of them) to go into new layer with mask (plink!) quick stuff. Color Effex has a ton of options and the legendary U-points (glub glub), useful if you invest some time, explore the myriad effects and combinations and end up creating some recipes, like sardines stuffed with mozzarella and heroin; used to be my post digi-darkroom, today's alien. Analog effex's also fun, for crazier moods. Skip Vivezza and specially HDR Effex, very bad. This suite used to be hundreds of petrodolars, probably google decided on dumping it (not cost effective) and thus the grandiloquence gest (prrrfff), enjoy =).

Some good introductions by Northlight ImagesSilver Efex ProSharpenerVivezaColor Efex filtersNoiseMind you some things: when you save the image in standalone mode it will overwrite the original, so better make a copy beforehand. Del amitri albums. In Dfine the more manual noise's patches you select the better the results, BIG difference, it's also worth tweaking the advanced controls. Whenever I say u-point I mean control points, I'm used that way; these points behave a bit like add or/and subtract circular gradients' masks (with selectable ratio/size and transparency/power) but they also are very sensitive to where they're placed, a bit like a spot light (mimicking a 3D behaviour) within the confinement of a 2 space. When you save a recipe, U-points are not saved with it. Basically there's no way of creating a U-point 'memory'.

You can export your recipes and backed them up, shared them, etc. Also U-points behave differently depending on filter, e.g. In Pro-contrast the effect is not activated unless you create either '+' or '-' u-points. I found to be useful to mark the favourite effects (yellow star) so they're easier to locate. If there is something you'd like to apply to a video, you can save a recipe (as long as there are no vignetes, sharpening, etc. Only luma and chroma tweaks without masks), convert Davinci's base trimlut0.dpx to png or tif, apply your recipe and then create an timeline with the file and extract the grade's LUT in Resolve =)41 free presets for PVsFinally, attached are 41 presets - the ones managed to find - I created on CE long time ago; plus a couple charts for testing.

You've got to understand that many of them were developed working on some specific look/batch/context/experience, plenty of times directly with unrefined (no time to cut baby's nails man?!!) base image, sometimes darker, sometimes brighter, more constrasty, more bland, etc. Most if not all are meant to be used together with U-points, otherwise pretty useless; for instance I recurred a lot to the glow effect, but the reality was that more often than not with just u-points to very specific areas, as I mentioned before it's silly but there's no way to save those u-points. Hierarchy of effects' stack can also be changed and thus plenty more variations are possible.To import the presets, see here -they'll live in /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Google/Color Efex Pro 4/ImportedPresets folder on a mac. I installed it and now the trial has expiredWhich trial Dave? It's a full version; you agree to the fineprint, install it and that's it. At least when I did back then (on the macmac). Never had a time limit, to purchase or renew anything.BTW, Nik collection is working fine with latest Protoshok CC 2017All the tapeworms gave hands and sang witha big smile:FA FA FUCK YOU GOOGLE!!!PSCompletelly offtopic but seems my GH2 had a stroke and died, meanwhile a swift broke a wing and there's all this wood to apply the primary.