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TOEFL TEST2 - Model Test: ListeningDirections: To answer the 10 problems below, play the mp3 audio file. You will hear a short statement which will be spoken just one time, so you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. After playing each statement, please stop the audio file. After listening to each statement, read the four alternatives, decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard and mark your answer. At the bottom you will find the full transcription of the audio and the correct answers to the 10 statements.11.A. Sally likes to talk on the telephone with her friends.B.

Sally does not like to talk on the telephone at all.C. Sally's friends do not call her.D. Sally does not have any friends.12.A. He celebrated his eighteenth birthday.B.

Every eighteen-year-old man is eligible for the army.C. He had a cold on his birthday.D. Drafts cause colds.13.A. Anne can drive to Boston with Larry.B. Larry's car is twice as fast as Anne's.C.

Larry's car is hatf as fast as Anne's.D. Anne can drive to Boston in three hours if Larry can.14.A. The box is empty.B.

The suitcase is larger.C. The suitcase has a box in it.D. The box is bigger.15.A.

It is eight-fifty now.B. It is nine o'clock now.C. It is nine-ten now.D.

It is ten o'clock now.16.A. Paul would like to farm.B.

Farming is not interesting to Paul.C. Farming is interesting.D. Paul knows how to farm.17.A. Carl would like his wife to stop working and stay at home.B. Carl would like his wife to continue working.C.

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Carl wants to quit his job.D. Carl wants to stay at home.18.A.

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Edith is not a teacher.B. Edith's teacher is like her mother.C.

Edith's mother is a teacher.D. Edith likes her teacher.19.A. The bus left at midnight.B. The bus left at two o'clock in the afternoon.C. The bus left at ten o'clock in the morning.D.

The bus left at ten o'clock at night.20.A. The man is downtown.B. The man is in the country.C. The man is at a park.D. The man is at a shopping center.Audio transcription.

11.Sally likes nothing better than to talk on the telephone with her friends.12.Every American man is eligible for the draft on his eighteenth birthday.13.If Anne can drive to Boston in six hours, Larry should be able to make it in three hours in his car.14.This box will hold more than that suitcase.15.Hurry up. The second movie started at nine o'clock, and we're already ten minutes late.16.Paul isn't interested in farming.17.Carl wants his wife to quit her job and stay home with the children.18.Edith is a teacher like her mother.19.Dick got to the bus station at midnight, missing his bus by two hours.20.I'd rather get my groceries here than downtown because there's more parking space; besides, there's a big department store near in case I need anything else.Answers11.A. Sally likes to talk on the telephone with her friends.12.B. Every eighteen-year-old man is eligible for the army.13.B.

Larry's car is twice as fast as Anne's.14.D. The box is bigger.15.C. It is nine-ten now.16.B.


Farming is not interesting to Paul.17.A. Carl would like his wife to stop working and stay at home.18.C. Edith's mother is a teacher.19.D. The bus left at ten o'clock at night.20.D.

The man is at a shopping center.

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—Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive. $1,060,970 $1.5M Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on.

Our work is powered by donations averaging about $41. If everyone chips in $5, we can keep this going for free. Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 3-to-1. So your $5 donation becomes $20! For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy.

Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy. We never accept ads.

But we still need to pay for servers and staff. If you find our site useful, please chip in. —Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive. $1,060,970 $1.5M Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations averaging about $41.

If everyone chips in $5, we can keep this going for free. Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 3-to-1. So your $5 donation becomes $20!

For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen?

For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy. We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff. If you find our site useful, please chip in.

—Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive. Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations averaging about $41. If everyone chips in $5, we can keep this going for free.

Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 3-to-1. So your $5 donation becomes $20! For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages?

Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy. We never accept ads.

But we still need to pay for servers and staff. If you find our site useful, please chip in. —Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive.