
Html2pdf Download Pdf File

I am using HTML2PDF with Laravel 5.1. I have a problem with showing the pdf file on the page and downloading it to the server.When I use this code, it shows the pdf file without problems: $pdf = $html2pdf-Output(', 'S');return response($pdf)-header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')-header('Content-Length', strlen($pdf))-header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename='sample.pdf');However, the above code does not save the file to the server. So I tried this: $filename = 'Report-'. '.pdf';$outputpath = basepath. $filename;$pdf = $html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');return response($pdf)-header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')-header('Content-Length', strlen($pdf))-header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename='.$outputpath.' ');I've tried this in Chrome and in Firefox but it does not display the document, it just downloads the file to the server.

Bosch dishwasher shv55mo3gb manual woodworkers guide. What am I doing wrong? You're probably actually wanting to do this: $filename = 'Report-'. '.pdf';$outputpath = basepath. $filename;$pdf = $html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');return response(filegetcontents($outputpath))-header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')-header('Content-Length', strlen($pdf))-header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename='.$outputpath.' ');Or possibly: $filename = 'Report-'.

'.pdf';$outputpath = basepath. $filename;$pdf = $html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');return response($html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'S'))-header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')-header('Content-Length', strlen($pdf))-header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename='.$filename.' ');I can't tell from the documentation, but I don't believe Output with the 'F' option returns the file contents where 'S' does. So you'll just need to load the contents and return those instead.


I don't know if this is the best solution, but this works: $filename = 'Report-'. '.pdf';$outputpath = basepath. $filename;$pdf = $html2pdf-Output(', 'S');$html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');return response($pdf)-header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')-header('Content-Length', strlen($pdf))-header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename='.$filename.'

');I noticed that when $pdf = $html2pdf-Output(', 'S');, the browser displays the file but does not download the file. However, if $pdf = $html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');, the browser does not display the file, but downloads it nevertheless. So I realized that since I'm doing response($pdf), I assigned $html2pdf-Output(', 'S'); to $pdf.

Html2pdf Download Pdf File

And since I need to download the file, I just did $html2pdf-Output($outputpath, 'F');, without assigning this to $pdf.Hope I explained this properly. I don't know if this has some loopholes or this is not good practice, but I'm going to stick to this for a while since I have not yet found another way for this to work.Thank you for all those who answered.