
Maplestory Bypass V 97 Tr

Design and MethodsWe sought to determine the number of RYGB patients undergoing medical and nutritional follow-up visits at the Emory Bariatric Center who experienced copper deficiency and associated hematological and neurological complaints ( n = 136). Separately, in patients followed longitudinally before and during 6 and 24 months following RYGB surgery, we obtained measures of copper status ( n = 16). Systemic blood cell counts and measures of copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin were determined using standardized assays in reference laboratories including atomic absorption spectrometry and immunoassays. ResultsThirteen patients were identified to have copper deficiency suggesting a prevalence of copper deficiency of 9.6%, and the majority of these had concomitant complications including anemia, leukopenia and various neuro-muscular abnormalities. In the longitudinal study, plasma copper concentrations and ceruloplasmin activity decreased over 6 and 24 months following surgery, respectively ( P. IntroductionCopper is an essential nutrient for humans and is a cofactor for several metalloenzymes that participate in critical body functions, including the mitochondrial respiratory chain (cytochrome c oxidase), elastin synthesis (lysyl oxidase), neurotransmitter synthesis (dopamine β-monooxygenase), protection from oxidative stress (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase), iron absorption in enterocytes (hephaestin) and pigmentation (tyrosinase).

The function of these and other cuproenzymes has been studied for many decades. Newer research suggests that the copper proteome in eukaryotes is much more expansive, about 1% of all proteins. Also, new physiological roles for copper are emerging in the literature; for example, in cell signaling, oncogenesis and in immune function.Copper deficiency is thought to be rare in the general US population because copper is found in commonly consumed foods, such as shellfish, whole grains, beans, nuts, dark leafy green vegetables and organ meats. The median dietary intake of copper in the US diet, is 1.0 to 1.6 mg day −1, which is usually sufficient to meet nutrient requirements (recommended dietary allowance = 0.9 mg Cuday −1 for adults). For this reason, copper is sometimes not added to multi-vitamin/multimineral supplements and is rarely measured by clinicians.

Although not common, copper absorption can be impaired in some circumstances; copper uptake is limited by high dietary Zn 2+, and particularly following partial or complete gastric resection because bioavailability of copper requires an acidic gastric environment. Also, because copper absorption primarily occurs in the duodenum patients whom have had intestinal resection bypass (for example, malabsorptive bariatric surgery), are at risk. Study 1Objective 1 was assessed via a retrospective chart review of patients in the Emory Bariatric Center clinic population. Patients were eligible if they had undergone RYGB as well as postoperative follow-up medical evaluation and nutritional screening in the Emory Bariatric Center between March 2007 and March 2009.

The RYGB surgical procedure has been described and the length of roux limb (100 or 150 cm) was recorded. During this period, 136 patients were screened. This included the analysis of copper, ceruloplasmin, zinc, and vitamin B 12 as well as routine hematological studies. A detailed medical history and physical examination was also conducted on every patient. The Emory University Institutional Review Board approved the study (IRB 912-2003). Study 2Objective 2 was assessed in a prospective cohort study of 16 severely obese female patients who had been followed up for 24 months to assess the longer-term impact of RYGB on cardiometabolic and nutritional outcomes., Subjects were evaluated at baseline (before surgery) and again at 6 and 24 months post surgery.

Exclusion criteria for this study were: (1) male gender; (2) age 65 years; and (3) preoperative body mass index of. Metabolic measuresPlasma samples were obtained at baseline (before surgery), 6 and 24 months following surgery and stored at −80 °C. For study 1, serum copper and zinc were commercially measured by ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT, USA using inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. The limit of sensitivity and coefficient of variation were stated by the company as 0.157 µmol l −1 and 7% for copper and 0.08 µmol l −1 and 5% for zinc, respectively.

Hematological measures, including hemoglobin, hematocrit and automated cell counts were determined using standard methods at the Emory Medical Laboratory, a fully certified reference laboratory. In a subsample of patients, serum vitamin B 12 and ferritin were measured at the Emory Medical Laboratory using a standard chemiluminescent immunoassay.For study 2, ceruloplasmin activity and immunoreactive protein in plasma were determined by established protocols.

The human ceruloplasmin enzyme assay uses o-dianisidine as substrate under standard conditions developed earlier. Plasma copper and zinc were determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy after dilution with metal-free water as described previously. Standards were prepared in 5% glycerol to mimic the viscosity of diluted plasma. Statistical analysisThe statistical software STATISTICA (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) was used for study analysis. For both study 1 and study 2, descriptive statistics were assessed using parametric test and expressed as mean ± s.e. Prevalence of copper deficiency was determined in study 1 and was defined as the number of cases of copper deficiency during the period from March 2007 to March 2009; the denominator was 136 subjects.

Incidence of copper deficiency was defined as the new development of copper deficiency during the 24-month period following surgery, in 16 subjects who had normal copper status at baseline; this was determined in study 2. Differences between population frequencies were assessed using χ 2 analysis. For study 2, changes over time from baseline to 24 months following surgery were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance. Relationships between plasma copper concentrations and secondary variables, including plasma ceruloplasmin activity were examined using Pearson correlations. In a subsample of five patients within study 2, who experienced the greatest baseline to post-surgery change in ceruloplasmin activity, changes in variables were assessed using paired t-tests. The significance level for the study was set at P.

ResultsIn the cross-sectional study, study 1, 136 eligible patients were assessed. The population was 89% female, 70% Caucasian and 28% African American. At the time of the chart review, (March 2009), subjects were 42.9 ± 0.8 years of age and were 33 ± 2 months post RYGB surgery. Out of these 136 eligible patients, 13 were found to be deficient in copper, defined as a value of. Serum copper in a RYGB clinic population.

Serum copper concentrations were determined in patients ( n = 136) who had undergone RYGB surgery at the Emory Bariatric Center and had visited the clinic for medical and nutritional follow-up during March 2007 and March 2009. Each patient number and their copper measurement(s) is (are) plotted; some patients had multiple clinic visits. Closed squares are values in the normal range, (12.6–24.3 µmol l −1), 13 samples are below the normal cutoff and considered deficient (open squares). The demographic and symptom data of 13 patients in study 1 with deficient copper status is presented. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin. Changes in plasma ceruloplasmin activity during 24 months following RYGB surgery. Ceruloplasmin activity was serially determined in study 2 subjects ( n = 16) before (baseline), and 6 and 24 months following RYGB surgery and each individual data point is plotted (open squares).

The mean and standard error of the mean for each timepoint is represented by closed squares. At 24 months following surgery, 3 ceruloplasmin activity values dropped below the normal cutoff. An asterisk (.) depicts values significantly different from baseline, P = 0.016. Copper and zinc concentrations and ceruloplasmin activity, as well as hemoglobin and white blood cells were measured in plasma samples obtained from 16 patients who underwent roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery as described in Patients and methods for study 2.

An asterisk (.) depicts significant decrease compared with the measure at baseline, by post hoc analysis, P. Blood concentrations of hemoglobin, ferritin and vitamin B 12 were obtained from patients undergoing roux-en-y gastric patients in study 1 (retrospective chart review) and study 2 (longitudinal study) who had normal copper status ( n = 110) and those who developed copper deficiency ( n = 25). An asterisk (.) depicts values that were significantly decreased compared with the value in copper-sufficient subjects, P. Changes in ceruloplasmin activity and concentration following RYGB surgery. Changes in ceruloplasmin (Cp) density following surgery, relative to baseline levels, detected by western immunoblots in a subgroup of study 2 subjects who exhibited the greatest decrease in ceruloplasmin activity (mean = 44% of baseline) is shown ( n = 5). Transferrin (Tf) density, used as a loading control, was not altered post surgery. Plasma copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.

An asterisk (.) depicts significant reductions compared with baseline measures, P. DiscussionIn this study, we demonstrate the impact of RYGB surgery on copper nutritional status using a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of two separate patient populations. In a cross-sectional study of a clinic population of RYGB patients, we found the prevalence of copper deficiency to be 9.6%. We show for the first time, in roux-en-y patients who were followed longitudinally for 24 months following surgery, that the incidence of copper deficiency is 18.8%. A majority of the copper-deficient subjects in both populations exhibited symptoms that may have been secondary to copper deficiency, including anemia, leukopenia and various neuropathies.Copper deficiency following gastric surgeries including RYGB has been described, but much of the literature comprises case-reports., In a recent retrospective review of 78 patients who had gastric bypass surgery (average 1.3-year post surgery), Ernst et al.

Reported a deficiency of 15.4%. Other retrospective reviews of copper deficiency in patients who had underwent RYGB or the more malabsorptive bariatric procedures, jejunoileal bypass, or biliopancreatic diversion procedure have been published but there was insufficient data to determine prevalence statistics. This study reviewed a larger series of patients ( n = 136) and found the prevalence of copper deficiency to be 9.6%. Our laboratory used a lower cutoff than the former study (12.6 µg dl −1 versus 13.3 µmol l −1); given that the cutoffs from one laboratory to the next are not transferrable, both prevalence rates are within range. Interestingly, there did not seem to be a time period following surgery during which patients were more likely to develop low copper.

Although copper deficiency has been reported in many patients who have undergone RYGB several years earlier, we observed copper deficiency in patients within the first year following surgery, and this has been reported elsewhere in a case report.Micronutrient depletion following bariatric surgery has been demonstrated but only by a few longitudinal studies., The novelty of this study is that it describes the impact of RYGB by measuring systemic copper concentrations before and during the 2 years after surgery. Although the study population is small, we found an incidence of 19% copper deficiency, as defined by ceruloplasmin activity. Although the cutoff defining deficiency may be arbitrary, a steady decrease in both copper concentrations and ceruloplasmin activity was observed (in the case of copper as early as 6 months following surgery). This finding suggests that for individuals, copper status may worsen following RYGB. The same phenomenon was not observed for zinc, which remained stable following surgery. The discrepancy between the incidence and prevalence rates of copper deficiency observed in this study is not clear.

It is possible that copper deficiency may be transient in some individuals and may resolve over the long-term because of increased dietary intake or improved copper absorption because of gut adaptation. Larger prospective studies with longer follow-up are needed to assess these issues.In this study, below normal blood concentrations of copper were associated with symptoms of copper deficiency including hematological and neurological abnormalities. Copper-deficient patients had concomitant anemia and lower blood hemoglobin and ferritin concentrations but normal vitamin B 12 concentrations.

Recognition of anemia in humans with copper deficiency has been known since the nineteenth century, but the mechanism of a copper–iron interaction is not clear. Pernicious anemia, which occurs with vitamin B 12 deficiency, is not as likely to occur because most patients adhere to periodic cobalamin administration following RYGB. Other than hematological abnormalities, many patients experienced putative copper deficiency-related complaints including fatigue, poor wound healing, hair loss, paresthesia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle and joint pain. Although the effects of copper supplementation were not determined in this study, several other studies have shown that with copper repletion many of the hematological abnormalities are rapidly resolved, and improvement in myeloneuropathy is seen, although long-term deterioration may be irreversible., An additional concern is the effect of copper deficiency in the growing fetus. These findings taken together with this study highlight the short- and long-term risks of symptomatic copper deficiency following RYGB.The relatively high frequency of symptomatic copper malnutrition following RYGB suggests that greater screening of patients for copper depletion serially would be prudent.

A lack of sensitive and specific biomarkers for assessing copper status makes it difficult to monitor and treat patients at risk for deficiency. Blood copper levels are tightly regulated, thus normal copper levels may falsely indicate adequate copper status. As has been described, we demonstrated strong correlations between concentrations of plasma copper and ceruloplasmin activity in this study. Moreover, in a preliminary analysis, plasma ceruloplasmin content (by western blotting assay) decreased in parallel with plasma copper and further testing should determine whether blotting for plasma ceruloplasmin is a simple and low cost way to assess copper status.An explanation for the negative impact of RYGB surgery on copper absorption, is the exclusion of most of the stomach and duodenum, which are the principal areas of copper digestion and uptake., Another possibility is that surgery promotes food restriction and many patients experience food intolerances. Although some patients do not adhere to a daily regimen of micronutrient supplementation post surgery, our assessment of dietary copper intake at 24 months following surgery showed that it was adequate with regard to daily recommendations for the general population. It will be important for future studies to determine whether current dietary copper recommendations meet the nutritional requirements of RYGB patients, in whom copper malabsorption is likely due to exclusion of the duodenum and proximal jejunum after the bypass.The limitations of this paper is that the chart review in study 1, and dietary and neurological information aspects of the longitudinal analysis were obtained retrospectively, thus some variables had missing data for some subjects. It is therefore possible that the number of patients dealing with neurological complaints is underestimated.

The number of patients in the longitudinal study was small, and although it was adequately powered for changes in copper concentrations, it may not have been powered to detect changes in secondary outcomes including hemoglobin concentrations. Also the majority of study participants were female, and although this is reflective of the bariatric surgery population generally, there may be important gender differences in copper metabolism following RYGB that were not uncovered.Despite the limitations of this study, our findings suggest that copper status is impaired within months following RYGB and this has mild-to-moderate clinical manifestations in many patients. We found that the prevalence of copper deficiency in a RYGB clinic population was 9.6%, which is similar to that reported earlier. We also found an incidence of 18.8% in copper deficiency following RYGB surgery, which could lead to serious complications if left undetected and untreated.

This study demonstrates that copper malnutrition following RYGB is not uncommon. Greater efforts for screening of this patient population are warranted since the number of patients undergoing this bariatric procedure is increasing. This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grants R03 DK067167 and R21 DK 075745 (to NGM), K24 RR023356 (to TRZ), RO1 HD 39078 and a National Research Initiative Grant 2006-8 from the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (to JRP), the General Clinical Research Center Grant M01 RR00039 and the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute Grant UL1 RR025008 and the International Copper Association. The authors have nothing to disclose. We graciously thank all the study participants. Adeola T Ayeni, MD assisted with clinical research coordination of the study participants and Amareshwar Chiruvella, MD assisted with data collection.

Anyway, it was posted last night, but uh. Yeah it didn't work out, so here it is again, for all to see!Yesh, I stole the title.

'RP Plot Improvement Thread' sounded too tacky and too long- I mean, yeah.totally not babbling.Anyway, this thread is for posting plot's, sign-up sheets, etc, and having other's help you develop them!Yes, this means.DON'T POST SEPERATE THREADS FOR YOUR PLOTS.I'll try my best to give some feedback to RP's posted here, and I'd very highly appreciate it if other roleplayers,.AHEM. would help me out! ^^ It only takes a few seconds to say, 'You should expand on so-and-so', does it not? If you type at the speed of a turtle, and use your index fingers to type, I understand that it doesn't take a few seconds and you're excused.As for all you other peoples.ebil glare. I should hope I'm not the only person who tries to prevent all the icky seperate threads that keep popping up.So yes, discuss, discuss, discuss! Starting now, I will close all seperate threads dealing with expansion on plots. + 1) Take advice/criticism/help as it comes, if it bother's you, then don't make a big fuss about it.

^^ We're not all saints.2) People who review your plot's are taking time out of their lives (yes, we have lives. I was thinking of making another Naruto RP, since I missed out on the last one. But I thought I'd just make it simple so that people won't get confused. It's based on the Chunin Exam. It will involve all three stages of the exam but I've yet to write them up yet. I've just completed the plot, rules, and sign-up sheet and was wondering if anyone could give some feedback on it so far.

I'm planning for this RP to be short but exciting. This is all I've done for now. Comments, criticisms, corrections, and improvements are welcome.Plot:To become a Chunin, a Genin must participate and fulfil the requirements of the “Chunin Exam”.

The exam is constructed through three separate tests. The first stage tests a Genin’s information gathering abilities and decision making abilities. The second stage tests a Genin’s abilities in carrying out a mission while also following strict guidelines. The third and final stage tests a Genin’s skill and abilities in combat against other ninja. The third stage fights are carried out by the passing participants from the first two stages of the exam. Judges then decide those who have displayed Chunin-like attributes and are then appointed by the leading village’s Kage as official Chunin.The recent establishment of the Hidden Village of Oni has sparked the attention of other neighbouring countries and Hidden Villages.

The leading ninja, Joukaikage, has offered to host the next Chunin Exam in an attempt to establish new relations with the other Hidden Villages. Representatives from each Hidden Village have been chosen to participate in the latest Chunin Exam.Rules:1. Be considerate of other characters and their abilities as well as not going overboard with your own.2. Controlling other people’s characters is prohibited, unless they are in a direct fight with your own. Even then the amount of influence in your writing must be limited.3. Relationships with others are fine but keep it sensible.4.

There will be excessive descriptions of violence. If that bugs you then do not participate.5.

If a fight does occur between characters then I will conduct a randomised selection to decide who will win. Once it’s decided, the characters involved will continue to post so that the winner is established in the story.6. Spelling, grammar, and vocabulary are important. Make sure your posts are adequate so that they are legible and understandable.7. I plan for this RP to be quick and eventful. Some characters will be eliminated from the exam and thus the RP. I will decide randomly (eg.

Drawing names out of a hat, using a number generator, etc.) on who will be removed. Once I’ve chosen the person(s), he/she will be able to make one or two final posts on how their character dies or is removed.8. Read the rules and make sure you understand them. If you don’t like them then don’t join. That means you should understand that people will die and/or be removed, and if that’s you, do not complain. You have been warned.Sign-up Sheet:Name: Your character’s first, middle, and/or last name.Age: How young/old your character is.Physical Description: What your character looks like (clothes and physical descriptions). Pictures can be used, but provide them through a link.Personality: How does your character act and what does he/she feel (eg.

Likes, dislikes, etc.).History: Your character’s past.Hidden Village: The village your character comes from.Ninjutsu: What type of Ninjutsu can your character use (include its name and how it works). Your character can only know three or less Ninjutsu.Taijutsu: What type of Taijutsu can your character use (include its name and how it works).

Your character can only know one Taijutsu.Genjutsu: What type of Genjutsu can your character use (include its name and how it works). Your character can only know two or less Genjutsu.Blood Inheritance Limit: Your character’s specific clan ability. Everyone can have one, but if I find your’s to be too over-powered then I will request you to edit it. If not, then you will have to remove it completely.Fighting Style: How does your character fight by using Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and/or Genjutsu.Strengths: Your character’s strong points (eg.

Emotional, physical, fighting style, etc.).Weaknesses: Your character’s weak points (eg. Emotional, physical, fighting style, etc.). Ok, the thing is that I'm planning an Rp based on this. But I need help, so anyone who is willing please help me make this one that people will jump onto! I also posted this before, but it accedently got deteted, so if you posted before could you post again please.

^^' and I took Bijou's advice and made it all the plot! Do you like it?)Dessert Rose.(Spirits Captured, Powers given, a world worth saving?

You decide!)The fabled Treasure Island, once a pirates paradise, now the only refuge for the Animaigus, the spirit people, once a thriving people they are now in hiding living in constant fear of the Shiroku. The Shiroku started the War, the War of a thousand lives, the Shiroku have been using the Animaigus’s powers to take over countries and leave ruin of any town, city or village that gets in there way. As the Shiroku destroy more countries they grow stronger, and as they grow stronger the captured Animaigus get weaker. If left to do as they wish the Shiroku will destroy the Animaigus and take over the already buckled world.The Animaigus fear for there captured comrades and know of no way to save them, all they know is that if they were to find humans who are good of heart and pure of mind, that they might stand a chance of saving them.

The leader of the Animaigus, (Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII), had a meeting with all the Animaigus to decree that he believes that it would be best if they were to send one of there own out into the harsh world of the unknown to find those few humans that have the hearts to use the powers of the Animaigus to their fullest. After much discussion they decided to send Sephiroth to find the ones to help defeat the Shiroku. Leaving Cloud in charge Sephiroth flew off to find the ones to save their friends and stop the War once and for all.Be one of those few that will save this undeserving world. Or if you wish you can leave the earth to be destroyed and flee with the Animaigus to another dimension after saving the Tortured Ten, (Buttercup Powerpuff girls; Mario Mario Brothers; Luffy One Piece; Shun Saint seiya; Link Legend of Zelda; Cosmo Fairy Godparents; Peter Pan Disney’s Peter Pan; Pikachu Pokemon; Patamon Digimon; DarkMagician Yu-Gi-Oh).It needs more I just can't put my finger on it.Anything you have to say will help.Skrew this idea.

No one likes it anyway. You know I might stop Rping all together.

No one want's to Rp with me.Ebil glared. Nyah, I'm all for the extinction of pointless thread bunches, so you can count me in for as much as my free time will allow. I'll try to comment on as many of the plots as possible, but do remember that I'm still a human (Make that a human who's nearing his end-of-year exams and severly behind on his labwork) so I won't always provided instant response and my comments might be less-than-diplomatic at times. If you get such, just try to focus on the essence (Ergo, the flaws I point out and the things that I suggest adding/expanding upon) and try not to take it too personally. Believe it or not, my main interest is to see people improve, honest. ^^@ Toomi: Nyah, it's a simple but functional concept, as long as you have enough material in your mind to keep the pace up.

My biggest issue is killing off RPers (Particularly making the killings completely random) as I'm very much pro-life as far as RP characters are concerned, and I think that it might discourage people from joining to know that the characters on which they have worked for goodness knows how long can be killed off at any moment by the toss of a coin. That aside, you could improve on the plot size a bit by giving some background information for those who aren't that familiar with Naruto (Poor souls;; ) such as what being a ninja in that world is all about, why so many people would aspire to such a dangerous occupation, the basics of chakra and maybe even some brief descriptions of the different styles. The more RPer-friendly the sign-up process is, the more people will feel inclined to join. ^^@ JBCBlank: What this plot needs is to start being original and stop swiping stuff from everyone and his friend. First of all, where is this treasure island?

Why is it called the treasure island? What are the Shiroku? Why is Sephiroth (The evil, genetically engineered, bad guy of doom with the god complex and the humungous sword who previously tried to destroy a whole planet in order to gain power) suddenly the leader of a bunch of random oppressed people (And what's with the spirit people thing, do you mean like dead folks or what?)? And how on earth can you justify Cloud co-operating with his arch-nemesis?

(Last I checked, he was quite busy trying to chop Sephiroth into little chunky bits to get rid of his own inner darkness). Not only does it go completely against Sephiroth's personality and lone-wolf attitude (Not to mention his history with Cloud), but the oppressed people go under a name that I've, thus far, only seen in Harry Potter books.- Furthermore, how the heck did characters from completely unrelated worlds suddenly end up in the same place and become refered to collectively and why would the animagi (Still a HP ripp-off) give a rat's arse about them? Your 'plot' has no context, no structure, and no point. It's like KH without the awesome music, well-developed plot and fancy battle system, and that sucks. All you've done is slap together a bunch of random characters and places (None of which, I believe, are of your own design) and then call it a plot.My advice? Just scrap it and consider a little something called 'logic' next time. Trust me, it would do you a world of good.- (By the way, dessert is something you eat, I believe you were aiming for the Desert rose which is, among other things, a special item in FF VII.

Say no to plagiarism.). @ Toomi: Nyah, it's a simple but functional concept, as long as you have enough material in your mind to keep the pace up. My biggest issue is killing off RPers (Particularly making the killings completely random) as I'm very much pro-life as far as RP characters are concerned, and I think that it might discourage people from joining to know that the characters on which they have worked for goodness knows how long can be killed off at any moment by the toss of a coin. That aside, you could improve on the plot size a bit by giving some background information for those who aren't that familiar with Naruto (Poor souls;; ) such as what being a ninja in that world is all about, why so many people would aspire to such a dangerous occupation, the basics of chakra and maybe even some brief descriptions of the different styles. The more RPer-friendly the sign-up process is, the more people will feel inclined to join. ^^Hmm.I personally like the idea of getting killed off.would volunteer.

but that's just me. XD It just seems like something that doesn't happen in RP's.ever!

I've never been in an RP with a character death. But something you could explain about Naruto is the Chuunin Exam in itself. I think what you should do with the killing off of the characters is make it random, and ask the RPer if they're okay with it.

And, if needed, the killing off option is something that can be used with someone that's nagging everyone, or just messing everything up and ruining the whole thing. It's an easier way to let them off then just saying up to their face 'You suck.Kay, that was blunt, but still.But I guess it's not a good thing to hide to them that they suck.well, I dunno. Ignore that last part then. Originally Posted by Alter Ego @ JBCBlank: What this plot needs is to start being original and stop swiping stuff from everyone and his friend. First of all, where is this treasure island?

Why is it called the treasure island? What are the Shiroku? Why is Sephiroth (The evil, genetically engineered, bad guy of doom with the god complex and the humungous sword who previously tried to destroy a whole planet in order to gain power) suddenly the leader of a bunch of random oppressed people (And what's with the spirit people thing, do you mean like dead folks or what?)? And how on earth can you justify Cloud co-operating with his arch-nemesis? (Last I checked, he was quite busy trying to chop Sephiroth into little chunky bits to get rid of his own inner darkness). Not only does it go completely against Sephiroth's personality and lone-wolf attitude (Not to mention his history with Cloud), but the oppressed people go under a name that I've, thus far, only seen in Harry Potter books.- Furthermore, how the heck did characters from completely unrelated worlds suddenly end up in the same place and become refered to collectively and why would the animagi (Still a HP ripp-off) give a rat's arse about them? Your 'plot' has no context, no structure, and no point.

It's like KH without the awesome music, well-developed plot and fancy battle system, and that sucks. All you've done is slap together a bunch of random characters and places (None of which, I believe, are of your own design) and then call it a plot.My advice? Just scrap it and consider a little something called 'logic' next time. Trust me, it would do you a world of good.- (By the way, dessert is something you eat, I believe you were aiming for the Desert rose which is, among other things, a special item in FF VII. Say no to plagiarism.)Um, #1, it's Animaigus. #2, in case you are blind, the Shiroku are the main bad guys that are draining the energy of the torchered ten for there own evil bidding. #3, Nobody know's were Treasure Island is, that's why the Animaigus went there in the first place.

#4, it's still a work in progress. #5, The Animaigus are so few that there is no rivalry, they only have eachother so they have to rely on there enemy's. #6, I chose Shephiroth because he's the only one that can mingle with normal folks withouth being noticed, fly across seas, and protect himself alone.and by the way, Desert Rose is also; A song, A book, And a very delectible dish! (plagiarism is impossible in this situation!)The only thing I can possibly thank you for is the help with the spelling. I know I suck at spelling, tell me something I don't know!JBCBlank.edit: I almost forgot, the saying goes, 'Everyone and his kid brother.'

Originally Posted by JBCBlank Um, #1, it's Animaigus. #2, in case you are blind, the Shiroku are the main bad guys that are draining the energy of the torchered ten for there own evil bidding. #3, Nobody know's were Treasure Island is, that's why the Animaigus went there in the first place.

#4, it's still a work in progress. #5, The Animaigus are so few that there is no rivalry, they only have eachother so they have to rely on there enemy's. #6, I chose Shephiroth because he's the only one that can mingle with normal folks withouth being noticed, fly across seas, and protect himself alone.and by the way, Desert Rose is also; A song, A book, And a very delectible dish! (plagiarism is impossible in this situation!)The only thing I can possibly thank you for is the help with the spelling. I know I suck at spelling, tell me something I don't know!JBCBlank.edit: I almost forgot, the saying goes, 'Everyone and his kid brother.'

No, he gave you lots of useful info. You just brushed it off and attacked him for what you could. You wanted critisism, then accept it. Don't whine like a little kid because you aren't perfect.And if you know you suck at spelling, why haven't you bothered fixing it? Go read a book or something, it helps with that sort of thing. Originally Posted by Origin No, he gave you lots of useful info. You just brushed it off and attacked him for what you could.

You wanted critisism, then accept it. Don't whine like a little kid because you aren't perfect.And if you know you suck at spelling, why haven't you bothered fixing it? Go read a book or something, it helps with that sort of thing.Ouch. God, i must be sleepyer then I thought. I don't really remember typing that. I asked for help, not critisism. And if I could get better at spelling by reading I would have won the nationaly spelling bee by now.

I just suck at it. Well, I'm trashing the idea a nyway. I think I'll start something based on final fanticy, I know that game more.

I attacked him because I don't like being told that I'm stealing. I havn't even played Kingdom H.

How should I know what kind of game it is.JBCBlank. My biggest issue is killing off RPers (Particularly making the killings completely random) as I'm very much pro-life as far as RP characters are concerned, and I think that it might discourage people from joining to know that the characters on which they have worked for goodness knows how long can be killed off at any moment by the toss of a coin.I've thought about that and I think I won't incorporate the killing off RP-ers until later into the exam and such. I've just found that in some of the RPs, such as the previous Naruto one and the Mario (Legend of the Falling Star or something like that) attracted a lot of RP-ers.

The use of the killing system would be able to control the amount of people participating in case it gets out of hand. My main intention was to only implement the 'killing off characters' idea near the end or when something big happens, such as fights and whatnot. I'll continue finishing the plot and the general information and see where it takes me. Hmm.I personally like the idea of getting killed off.would volunteer. but that's just me.

XD It just seems like something that doesn't happen in RP's.ever! I've never been in an RP with a character death. But something you could explain about Naruto is the Chuunin Exam in itself. I think what you should do with the killing off of the characters is make it random, and ask the RPer if they're okay with it. And, if needed, the killing off option is something that can be used with someone that's nagging everyone, or just messing everything up and ruining the whole thing. It's an easier way to let them off then just saying up to their face 'You suck.Kay, that was blunt, but still.I also have enjoyed the idea of seeing some characters in an RP being killed off or removed, since it would add a lot more pace and excitement to the plot.

That's my opinion anyway. But again, like Alter Ego said, some people might not appreciate their specially built-up and incredibly detailed characters being wiped out just to make the story more interesting. Of course, I did imply that if people were to join the RP, they are to expect the chance of being removed, as I did give a warning. So if they are willing enough to participate and understand that there is a chance (and that's all it is, a chance) of their character being killed then everything should be alright. But for now I'll just continue to work on it and make a final decision once I get some confirmation on the finished version.


Originally Posted by JBCBlank.edit: I almost forgot, the saying goes, 'Everyone and his kid brother.' No it doesn't, that's an alltogether different saying.- But you probably wouldn't know it, seeing as how you don't even know how to spell 'pity'. I'd go into depth about how much wrong there is in what you just wrote (And how you managed to completely ignore the whole point of my comments) but since Origin summed it up very nicely, I'll just say this: if this is the kind of attitude that you keep when RPing then it's no wonder that no-one wants to play with you, so yes, by all means quit RPing and come back when you've matured enough to tolerate some feedback besides meaningless praise, I don't deal in that. Believe it or not, criticism is the best kind of help that a writer can get, but if you can't appreciate it then I won't waste my time on you.

I asked for help, not critisism. And if I could get better at spelling by reading I would have won the nationaly spelling bee by now.I would just accept Alter Ego's criticism, because it's really actually quite in depth, and would really make your plot in general better. And as for the spelling thing, I would just use a spell-checker if you suck in general. If you don't have Microsoft Word or Appleworks or something like that, try an online spell-checker. It makes it easier for everyone. ^^I've decided to put up some rules, FYI, so please do read them.

Hopefully I don't sound like a pompous prick, if I do, then all my sincerest apologies.As Netta said, then? Off to a different subject.Toomi: Can't wait to see the finished product! I'll have to make room in my schedule to join.Netta: It's probably best if you re-post it here.

It's not that hard, as the thread hasn't disappeared yet, and it's easier for the people giving their time and energy to give feedback. Save them a click or two, because I personally hate surfing around trying to find the right thread, post, and plot. Plot:To become a Chunin, a Genin must participate and fulfil the requirements of the “Chunin Exam”. The exam is constructed through three separate tests. The first stage tests a Genin’s information gathering abilities and decision making abilities.

The second stage tests a Genin’s abilities in carrying out a mission while also following strict guidelines. The third and final stage tests a Genin’s skill and abilities in combat against other ninja. The third stage fights are carried out by the passing participants from the first two stages of the exam. Judges (or Jonin) then decide those who have displayed Chunin-like attributes and are then appointed by the leading village’s Kage as official Chunin.The three-stage exam incorporates the main skills, abilities, and ideas every professional ninja should understand. How to store, release, and control Chakra, making decisive decisions during missions, and understanding the situation to find the best possible and successful outcome, are three examples of Chunin-like attributes all ninja should acquire. Each stage of the exam will test these three and a number of other examples. Through this examination of abilities, instincts, and intelligence, the judges will determine who has what it takes to become a Chunin.The recent establishment of the Hidden Village of Oni has sparked the attention of other neighbouring countries and Hidden Villages.

The leading ninja, Joukaikage, has offered to host the next Chunin Exam in an attempt to establish new relations with the other Hidden Villages. Representatives from each Hidden Village have been chosen to participate in the Chunin Exam and have begun their latest mission residing in the Hidden Village of Oni.Your role will be to become a participating Genin in the latest Chunin Exam. Each of you will arrive at the Hidden Village of Oni as representatives from your chosen Hidden Villages (you may also be a Genin from the Hidden Village of Oni). You will be participating in the events of the Chunin Exam as a training Genin with the hopes of becoming a Chunin or for other personal reasons.Extra Information:This is for those who are unfamiliar with the plot, concepts, and ideas of the manga and anime of Naruto. These definitions are examples of the number of terms used in the world of Naruto and in this RP.Genin: There are six “official” rankings of ninja which determine how strong or skilled he/she is (although some Genin may be stronger than other higher ranking ninja).

Genin are the second-lowest level of ninja.Chunin: Chunin are the third-lowest level of ninja and are above Genin.Jonin: Jonin are the fifth-lowest level of ninja and are above Chunin and Genin.Kage: Kage are the highest level of ninja and are above Jonin, Chunin, and Genin.The Hidden Village of Oni: This is a made up village used for this RP. It does not exist in the actual Naruto manga or anime.Other information on specific parts of the series can be located at the following links (and yes, I’m aware that Wikipedia isn’t the best of resources but it was the only one that had this kind of information):, and.Rules:1. Be considerate of other characters and their abilities as well as not going overboard with your own.2. Controlling other people’s characters is prohibited, unless they are in a direct fight with your own. Even then the amount of influence in your writing must be limited.3. Relationships with others are fine but keep it sensible.4. Each character can only know a maximum of six different techniques altogether (eg.

Maplestory Bypass V 97 Treadmill

2 Ninjutsu and 2 Taijutsu and 2 Genjutsu, or 1 Ninjutsu and 3 Taijutsu and 2 Genjutsu, or 3 Ninjutsu and 3 Taijutsu and 0 Genjutsu, etc.).5. There can be no relations to characters from the manga or anime of Naruto.

This is an OC (original character) RP with Naruto concepts.6. There will be excessive descriptions of violence. If that bugs you then do not participate.7.

If a fight does occur between characters then I will conduct a randomised selection to decide who will win. Once it’s decided, the characters involved will continue to post so that the winner is established in the story.8. Spelling, grammar, and vocabulary are important. Make sure your posts are adequate so that they are legible and understandable.9.

I plan for this RP to be quick and eventful. Some characters will be eliminated from the exam and thus the RP.

I will decide randomly (eg. Drawing names out of a hat, using a number generator, etc.) on who will be removed. Once I’ve chosen the person(s), he/she will be able to make one or two final posts on how their character dies or is removed. Business and society yorku. This rule will apply during the ending parts of the RP or when a significant event occurs (eg.

Fights between characters, unexpected events, etc.).10. Read the rules and make sure you understand them.

If you don’t like them then don’t join. That means you should understand that people will die and/or be removed, and if that’s you, do not complain. You have been warned.Sign-up Sheet:Name: Your character’s first, middle, and/or last name.Age: How young/old your character is.Gender: What is your character’s gender (male/female).Physical Description: What your character looks like (clothes and physical descriptions). Pictures can be used, but provide them through a link.Personality: How does your character act and what does he/she feel (eg. Likes, dislikes, etc.).History: Your character’s past.Clan: The clan your character belongs to.Hidden Village: The village your character comes from.Ninjutsu: What type of ninja techniques can your character use (include its name and how it works). Your character can only know three or less Ninjutsu.Taijutsu: What type of hand-to-hand combat techniques can your character use (include its name and how it works). Your character can only know three or less Taijutsu.Genjutsu: What type of illusionary techniques can your character use (include its name and how it works).

Your character can only know three or less Genjutsu.Blood Inheritance Limit: Your character’s specific clan ability. Everyone can have one, but if I find your’s to be too over-powered then I will request you to edit it. If not, then you will have to remove it completely.Strengths: Your character’s strong points (eg.

Emotional, physical, fighting style, etc.).Weaknesses: Your character’s weak points (eg. Emotional, physical, fighting style, etc.).It's practically the same as the first one but with a bit more detail and information in some areas. That aside, you could improve on the plot size a bit by giving some background information for those who aren't that familiar with Naruto (Poor souls;; ) such as what being a ninja in that world is all about, why so many people would aspire to such a dangerous occupation, the basics of chakra and maybe even some brief descriptions of the different styles.By increasing the plot in general, I didn't really do much except regurgitate the same information I wrote before into a now smaller paragraph. I've added some general information in the 'Extra Information' section and also added in some links that might be relevant to some terms that are in the RP.Overall though, I'm afraid that the whole RP might seem a little big and that might minimize the amount of people who will even bother to participate, but that's just my opinion. I've pretty much completed the form unless anyone has anymore criticism or comments they'd like to make to help improve it a little. So all I have to do now is work on how the first and second stages of the exam work. And if anyone has any ideas about what the stages should be about, that'd help.

8OOOOOOOOO.MUST. JOIN.xD.tranquilized. I think people really should learn how to read and not be afraid of long plots. The RP sounds like SO much fun. There's probably more to improve on, but I just can't put my finger on it right now. It actually looks good to me though. I'm sure someone who'd never watched Naruto would be able to RP without any major freak-out's.

The links in the extra information section is probably going to be useful for RPer's who already know about Naruto anyway. (I know I don't remember nearly every friggin technique I see.)I find it easier to bold the main topics on a sign-up sheet, that way you can see them better, but that's not really a big issue. Just a suggestion. Originally Posted by Bijou ^^;;;I would just accept Alter Ego's criticism, because it's really actually quite in depth, and would really make your plot in general better.

And as for the spelling thing, I would just use a spell-checker if you suck in general. If you don't have Microsoft Word or Appleworks or something like that, try an online spell-checker. It makes it easier for everyone. ^^I always use spell check, it says I do it fine. Maybe my MW has something wrong with it.sigh. I'm just gonna stick to wrighting assays for my friends. Spanish is alot easier to spell in.JBCBlank.

Midnight Dragon:That sounds interesting so far Midnight, I'll read more of it tomorrow. The only thing is that everything combined makes it incredulously long. Xx But, that may be a good or bad thing. I haven't yet read it all.sneaking online. I wish I could say more, but my keyboard's too loud.

The first stage of the Chunin Exam has been troubling me lately. The concept seems simple but I’m not sure how to carry it out. I’ve kind of analysed two different decisions.

The first would be to completely scrap the first stage and advance directly to the second stage, since that’s where a lot of the action happens. Or, I was thinking of implementing the same “tenth question” Ibiki Morino gave in the anime.There are two different scenes of Ibiki giving out the tenth question of the first test of the Chunin Exam in the anime. In both scenes Ibiki challenges the Genin to decide whether or not to actually attempt the question in order to see who is confident or stupid enough to take it. When Naruto’s class took it, everyone who attempted the tenth question passed after been given the opportunity to leave and try again later without the risk of being a Genin forever.

But in a flashback in later episodes where Ibiki conducts the same exam with his little brother, all those who attempted the tenth question failed because they failed to realise the importance of being able to understand the situation.Because of this, I’m not really sure what to do for the first stage. Should I include it, or skip it and go straight to the second stage. Because my idea was if I was to write up the first stage test, I was going to make it that each person in the RP would have to post either “accept” or “decline” to taking the tenth question and I would then randomly select whether the people who said “accept” would pass or the people who said “decline” would pass. But then if I were to do that, then that would mean my character would have to be on the winning side and people may just choose the answer I do. But then again, people might not like being booted out so quickly (even though a warning is given) because they might think it’s biased. Or something completely different? Okay, I read it this time, and oh my god, what a plot!

It sounds awesome, but as Alter Ego said, it's rahlly.beeg. (big.)The cities and towns things should be explained as you get there, you know? Like, maybe in OOC's, or in the post before you actually arrive, or describe where the people are headed next, etc.And Alter Ego, swords are always evil because swords bring around death, and umbrella's bring about happiness and justice.

(Especially pink one's. Only Hagrid's umbrella is an umbrella of doom.) Anvil's.well.nobody wants to lug one of those on their hips or back's. Originally Posted by Alter Ego On the races.you might want to mention a bit of natural abilities/disadvantages (E.g. Stereotypically speaking, Elves tend to have far longer life spans than humans, which makes it more difficult for them to handle sudden changes in life, and also tend to be slimmer and less muscularly built than humans) and maybe a bit of how people react to members of different races (For instance, I'd imagine that a demon-born wouldn't be the most trusted of people in a heavily non-demonic environment).Myesh, I would. But it was bed-time for me. So I couldn't. I will, though, if anyone likes this heaping pile of creative fantasy (which I think would smell like lysol and cinnamon, if you ask me) enough.

Originally Posted by Alter Ego Also, about the use of magic, how does it work in that world? Does it have DnDish touches such as risks of rapidly aging from the use of certain spells or suffering other significant (and permanent) drawbacks or is it more of a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts approach where you can just zap away without a care in the world? This could cause confusion if you don't clarify it a bit.I have the magic 'system' (I'm working on an RPG game, so I had to come up with a code-able system for magic) all worked out, but again, didn't have the time to post it.Thanks for the help, BTW.

Originally Posted by Bijou ^^;;;I would just accept Alter Ego's criticism, because it's really actually quite in depth, and would really make your plot in general better. And as for the spelling thing, I would just use a spell-checker if you suck in general.

If you don't have Microsoft Word or Appleworks or something like that, try an online spell-checker. It makes it easier for everyone.

^^I've decided to put up some rules, FYI, so please do read them. Hopefully I don't sound like a pompous prick, if I do, then all my sincerest apologies.As Netta said, then? Off to a different subject.Toomi: Can't wait to see the finished product!


I'll have to make room in my schedule to join.Netta: It's probably best if you re-post it here. It's not that hard, as the thread hasn't disappeared yet, and it's easier for the people giving their time and energy to give feedback. Save them a click or two, because I personally hate surfing around trying to find the right thread, post, and plot. ^^Oh of course I hate looking, but I just didn't want to get yelled at again, so here it is. First I'm going to post this now and than work on it slowly as the stupid computer seems to let me log out automatically if I don't constantly surf threw it.

Than I'll go ahead and edit little at a time to get it up and going. Okay, I've finished it and I will say, it is VERY lengthy and I think I may have too much but than again, I might be wrong. The True PlotTwelve humans with strange devices saved two worlds from the darkness, and because of it; peace reined over both worlds and creatures known as Digimon lived peacefully together in both worlds. In Japan, the spread of digimons living together with humans expands far greater than expected. The Japanese digidestines have been around to ensure the safety. The International DigiDestines however, do not have the advantage as the government thinks of digimons as a threat created by Japan to rule the world. How wrong they were.Darkness began to settle once again, but this time, it's different from the past villans.

Past evils have tried to start with taking over the Digital World first and than the Human World. Now, evil has a new plot. A new way to conquer both worlds. This evil has started in the World of Men, but for two purposes. To rid the world of the DigiDestines known as well as to prevent new DigiDestines from being born. And the second is to rule both worlds.

(Yeah I know it's very common in all the digimon seasons so far.) The origional 12 digidestines and their friends had disappeared from Japan.With the rising darkness, the Guardians of the Digital World were blind and did not activate any powers to release immediatly to choose children to be digidestines. However, one digimon has. This digimon is shadowed and was afraid evil and darkness might try a new way of conquering the worlds. After all, Darkness cannot live without Light and Light cannot live without Darkness. If it were to happen, the powers would be released and sent to a selected group of humans to become the new digidestines.

Reality PlotYou know digimons are not real and only wished they were. You have little knowledge of the Japanese government, which kept the secret of digimons being real from the rest of the world. Even the International Digidestines keep the secret to themselves. You look at your created digimon and wish that he/she was real and that you'd be able to become a digidestines dispite knowing it's only in your wildest dreams.

You hear news about mysterious things going on, but you pay no mind to it as you feel it doesn't bother you. However, you find a strange device which appears to you. You take the device in your hand and are shocked to find that it's a digivice.

It is nothing like the digivices you've seen in the first two seasons and somehow you know it's called a D-Arc. When you push a button, you noticed an egg has hatched and you don't seen anything inside. You are suddenly surrounded by a thick, off white cloud and are shocked to find your digimon alive and in person. Starting PlotPlease try to use you're own imagination to come up with how you find your digimon creation. Everyone has either dreampt of being in an adventure with a favority digimon or their own created digimons and human characters. What if, you're characters and your made up digimon were alive and real? All Digimons for that matter.

What if, everything that we've seen on digimon was true? This is where you get to experience everything. From reality thrown upside down and inside out.

((I know it sounds like Digimon Tamers but that's what FDD is all about.)) This happens before the Tamers Season, about 20 years in to the future from Daisuke (Davis) and Taichi (Tai)'s group. They are all older and no longer able to do much saving like they did when they were younger. So it's up to you.

Basic InformationWhat is FDD? FDD is short for Fictional DigiDestined and Digimon. There are many FDD characters out there that don't have any website put up for their created digimons and their partner characters. But this is when real people put themselves into a character (or make up a personality of how they wish they were) and create stories of them with others. FDD doesn't belong to just one person. I don't know who came up with it first, but there are many people who have FDD sites out there and believe me, they are fun to read and I've always wanted to try a quick FDD rp. Yes I have my own site, but it's still a work in process and at least I'll be able to see if I have what it takes.Here are the level translations.Rookie = Child, Champion = Adult, Ultimate = Perfect, and Mega = Ultimate.I want to go along with the japanese version as I've always believed to stay with the origional rather than go to the modified version.Digivices: The digivices are already choosen and made with new colors.

(Acutally, I just took the tamer's D-Arcs and invert the colors.) They are the D-Arcs, which was also dubbed as what we call D-Powers from the Tamers version which means you can use cards. (I love using cards.)Digivolutions: Digivolving will be very different from the shows. The cards are the keys. (These will be given to you once you have been accepted.) Digivolution is the same from Child to Adult. From Adult to Perfect is slightly different, instead of having Culumon aka Calumon give the crystal activation, you get to use a card that has a crest.

(I would like you're crests to be your own creation and design. You cannot use these crests, (Courage, Freindship, Love, Sincerity, Knowledge, Reliability, Hope, and Light. I would use the Japanese versions, but not everyone knows them so therefore I've left them out. Kindness is also something you cannot use as it belongs to Ken.)What about the Ultiamte/Mega level?

I'm sorry to say that not all of you will be able to reach this level. Actually, because this is not really based on the show's rules and based on my rules, I say what the hey, let's do it. You can do one of two ways to reach the Mega/Ultimate level. One way is the warp digivolution like Agumon and Gabumon to WarGreymon, and MetalGarurumon.

The term Warp is when a digimon skips a certain level to reach a higher level in half the time it would take than going in order. The other way is to have the Perfect/Ultimate level digimon digivolve to the Ultimate/Mega level. Example: Agumon digivolve too Greymon, Greymon digivolve too MetalGreymon, MetalGreymon digivolve too WarGreymon. (You cannot have both. Must choose one or the other.)What about DNA digivolution, Armor Digivolution and BioMerging?

I'm sorry to say DNA and Armor is not allowed. BioMerging will only be giving to a few characters. Sorry, I'm the one who will choose the BioMerging. (Remember, this will be the Ultimate/Mega form in which the human partner and digimon partner emerge together to digivolve.

Now this will be given to the selected characters by a special digimon which I have created that will do what Dobermon did in the Tamer's show to turn the humans into data in the real world, but will not be deleted as I don't like to follow in other's footsteps.). You cannot have the main digimons from the shows. (example, Agumon, Gabumon Biyomon, Palmon, Tentomon, Patamon, Gatomon, Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Wormmon, Renamon, Guilmon, Terriermon, Impmon) But you can have a digimon you've seen on the show that didn't play a big role such as Leomon. But I really want you to have you're own created digimons.

So if you don't have a created digimon or don't have the time to create one on you're own, don't worry about it.2. Veemon and a few other main digimons have more than one digivolution line. I might accept them as a possibility if you use a different evoultion line from which was given in the show.3. You can use different colored main digimons such as Dark, Black, White, or Silver. (My favorite digimon is Renamon and if I wanted to rp her as my partner, I'd have her become either a virus known as DarkRenamon or a vaccine known as SilverRenamon and her digivolutions, or make up my own.)4. You can not have any of the digidestine's crests from the show.5. You must try to have lots of fun.6.

Please be nice irl. Yes I know we get on each others nerves from time to time, but please, try to keep on a happy face ooc.7. Be Origional. Don't copycat.8.

Make sure you're personality goes along with your backround histroy. This was brought up in another forum of bad habits of rpers board.9.

We all have an order we do post. It's obvious that the leader will be the first to start. Once you've posted, do not post again until everyone has posted. Yes this could take a long time, but it's only fair to thoughs who can't get on everyday like some of us. It will be written in a type of chapter or episode.

(This is my origionality for this type of rp. Rell I guess it'd be chapters since we arn't in a movie or anything.) Everyone gets to have their own episode in which everyone can participate. Like in the shows, each partner digimon had a whole episode dedicated to them and their digimon partner when digivolution came to them.

That means if you're not the star of that episode/chapter, you must play a minor role.11. No god-moding. I hate people who think they have an all powerful digimon that no one can't beat.

Get real people, everyone has weaknesses, even digimons. The all I'm powerful thing and you can't touch me doesn't go in this rp. And let me tell you. This here is your first warning. If I find anyone acting like this, I will confront you about via email. (That is your second warning.) After that, no more warnings and I will ask for you to not participate as part of the group.

So remember, this here is your first warning. Your second warning is in your email, after that, you're out.12. No DNA Digivolving and no armor digivolving. Bio Merging is limited to only a few choosen.13. This rp is for serious rpers who will take this as if it was real. Anyone can sign up, but I shall decide who gets to participate.14.

Have lots of fun. Oh wait, I already said that. Sign Up ProfileHumanName: (What is your character's name?

Last name perferred, but not mandatory)Age: (6 to 18)Height: (5'4', 5'5' 1/2?)Gender: (Male or Female)Crests: (Courage, Friendship, Purity, Responsiblity, ect.)Personality: (Funny, Distant, Afraid to show feelings ect. Please have at least a three to four lines long.)Description: (What does your character look like? What are they wearing? Again three to four lines long.)History: (Give a little histroy of how your character's personality came to be or give us a breif story of what happened to you that makes your character act this way.)DigimonName: (Agumon, Pacemon)Pronounciation: (Ah-goo-mahn, Pay-s-mahn.

Do the best you can, even I have problems with this.)Level: (I really perfer Child Level as a base.)Type: (Vaccine, Viral, Data)Groups: (Reptile, Dinosuare, Dragon, Warrior, Sorceress, ect.)Description: (What your digimon looks like. Please go in details)Attacks: (Pepper Breath, Petit Fire, Cat's Eye Beam ect.)Evolutions: (Greymon, MetalGreymon, WarGreymon, GeoGreymon, ShineGreymon, MirageGreymon, ect.)Personality: (What is your digimon's personality.

It doesn't need to be lengthy as it is tough to keep in mind two personalities. Unless you're experienced in rping and can handle doing two different personalities. Some people find it challengeing.)Example Rp: (Do a breif rp of you're character. I perfer you to start out from the beginning like how you're character grew up or what was one great challenge to them. Must be at least three paragraphs or more in length.)Okay there it is. Is it too much information?

What about my standards? Are they too low or too high?

Anyways, I hope you can all give me good advice. Oh, I did mention that it is quiet lengthy.