
Adobe Muse Widgets Installieren

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Installing both Responsive & Legacy widgets Is there an easier way to install all the widgets without duplicates? I like having both.I downloaded the whole new bundle which came with 2 folders and each folder has duplicates for widgets like 'Color Palettes' & 'Font Kits' which are neither responsive or fixed based. I would like it to be easier to install all of them without having duplicates.2. Why must each widget be in a folder in Muse when I import them?It makes finding a widget kind of painful.3.

Muse Free Widgets

Some of the widgets were in a zipped folder all by themselves and failed to install because I didn't unzip 1 specific folder.4. Not sure why there are zipped folders inside of zipped folders?5. I tried downloading just the 'Text Animation' widget because it has never aligned right, but might be fixed now, and it was downloading a.muse file instead of a.mulib file.


I've had this same problem before.Keep in mind, it takes me about 20 minutes to delete or import all the widgets so this is a huge time wasting problem. I can't be the only one having this problem every update???Windows 10 PC. Mike, I'm going to give you my best idea as to why some of the things you've brought up take place. I'm not going to profess to be the expert here (maybe some of the team on the development side will chime in), but what I've found from past experience.When I upgraded to 2015.1 (responsive) my old library was intact, so all I needed to load was the new (1.0) versions. At that point I choose whether to load anything which would be a duplicate (like you mentioned the color palettes).A while back, because of user requests and input, we switched to this format of widget downloading. We used to (as you may remember), only have the entire widget library for download. We then changed to have both bundled and single downloads.

The thought there was that you only would have to load the lot once, and then load only the ones (one at a time) that had a revision or major fix.I personally, and have gotten a lot of user feedback, that says they do too, like the load once and update as I choose method.Typically there has only been one folder, with all the widgets in there on the bundle download. This time, since we wanted to cover those who may not want to update yet, or just those like yourself, that want to have both, we ended with two folders. New and Legacy.again, if you single download, there is no folder.If I had to guess on the reason for the couple of widgets that had an additional zip file, I would say it's because there is additional content included with those widgets.Your 'Text Animation' question I can't address because I'm pretty sure I'm not understanding. I have just checked my old, the Legacy, and 1.0 versions of the widget and for me they are all MULIB files, not.Muse files.I apologize, I must be missing the point.Again, Mike, I've seen you're work, followed your responses, and can see you know your stuff. So I'm not saying what you state doesn't have merit, it's just my opinion.Dj.