
Kertas Kerja Program Sukarelawan Im4u

JOHOR BAHARU, 17 Mac (Bernama) — Majlis Kanser Nasional (Makna) merancang untuk membuka lapan lagi Rumah Perantaraan MAKNA di seluruh negara, tahun ini.Timbalan Pengurus Besar Makna, V. JOHOR BAHARU 17 Mac – Majlis Kanser Nasional (Makna) merancang untuk membuka lapan lagi Rumah Perantaraan Makna di seluruh negara, tahun ini.Timbalan Pengurus Besar Makna, V.

THE unmistakable circular, brightly-coloured icons caught the eyes of children and adults alike as they walked past the Angry Birds Activity Park booth at the MATTA Fair.Siblings Muhammad Aliuddin Akmal Mohd Nazrol, 12, and Nur Wani Syahirah Mohd Nazrol, 11, were among those seen stopping for a photo opportunity with the giant Angry Birds plushies.Their father Mohd Nazrol Kamrudin, 39, said the family made the trip to MATTA Fair to shop for deals for local destinations, particularly those featuring theme parks.“My children love theme parks. We’ve also bought passes to Kidzania and Berjaya Times Square Theme Park in Kuala Lumpur.“Besides the Angry Birds Activity Park, we are planning to look for passes to other theme parks in Johor as those are nearer to us,” said the civil servant who lives in Kempas, Johor.Abdullah Rahim Saun, who planned to travel to Terengganu, said the current economic situation in Malaysia had influenced his family’s travel plans.PWTC’s halls were packed to the brim throughout the three-day fair, which is estimated to have recorded a 120,000-strong crowd.

— Photos: RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/The Star PWTC’s halls were packed to the brim throughout the three-day fair, which is estimated to have recorded a 120,000-strong crowd. — Photos: RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/The Star“Things such as GST are in the back of my mind,” he said.A group of students shared similar sentiments, with Serene Liew saying she and her friends would only visiting only Penang this year.Khairul Amizan Abdul Rahman from Bangi said his travelling plans were influenced by the current economic situation.“Package prices play an important role when I plan for trips. The cheaper the package, the better it is for us consumers,” he said.Besides price, safety is a priority for Iris Woon Lee Lee and Pamela Lee Peng Peng.Lee said, “Despite the increased costs and safety concerns, I still believe in travelling.“Life is too short. We just have to enjoy travelling no matter the offer — time away from work and a getaway with friends.”Many visitors were seen shopping for various packages and deals. Many visitors were seen shopping for various packages and deals.Woon also brought up how Malaysia’s currency strength influenced her destination choices.On umrah packages, Faisal Kassim observed that there were fewer visitors at the fair’s umrah hall this year.“It may be caused by the current economic situation in our country.“I brought only my parents to survey package prices. PASIR MAS – Bagaikan sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga.

Itulah nasib ditanggung seorang pesakit barah hidung apabila dirinya tidak mampu lagi bekerja berikutan penyakit yang dihidapi sejak beberapa tahun lalu.Zakaria Salleh, 62, yang sebelum ini adalah seorang tukang rumah di Kampung Bakong berkata, keadaan berkenaan memaksa anak dan isterinya bekerja sebagai pembantu juru masak di kantin sebuah sekolah untuk terus menyara kehidupan mereka sekeluarga.Akibat penyakit tersebut, dia mengalami alahan teruk terutama jika berada di kawasan pembinaan.“Saya dah hampir putus asa disebabkan penyakit ni. KUALA LUMPUR: The public should go for scheduled medical examinations at least twice a year in order to detect cancer, said Health deputy director-general (medical) Datuk Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai.He said the public should get medical examinations done to detect cancer at an early stage.“This lack of concern and not wanting to take medical tests are among the challenges in the management of cancer in this country. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 17 (Bernama) — The public should go for scheduled medical examinations at least twice a year in order to detect cancer, said Health deputy director-general (medical) Datuk Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai.He said the public should get medical examinations done to detect cancer at an early stage. Sampai hari ini, perkataan kanser itu begitu menggerunkan apatah lagi apabila ia menimpa diri sendiri. Meskipun sudah banyak usaha menyebarkan maklumat dan kesedaran mengenai kanser, masih ada yang kurang tahu mengenainya dan tidak kurang yang berputus asa untuk meneruskan hidup tatkala disahkan menghidapnya.Justeru itu, sempena sambutan Hari Kanser Sedunia tahun ini, Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA) menganjurkan simposium bertajuk ‘Kami Boleh. Felda scheme residents in the state are urged to go for regular tests to check for breast cancer.Felda Palong 7 and 8 clinic health panel member, Mohd Noor Wahid said it was tragic that when they did finally go for a test, the cancer would have reached an advanced stage.“Don’t take the matter lightly. Kempen Movember kini semakin menjadi perhatian ramai warga kota dalam menyokong kempen badan-badan terlibat dalam memberikan sokongan moral dan juga derma bagi menyokong aktiviti MAKNA dan beberapa badan lain yang telibat dalam penyakit Kanser.

MrJocko kali ini terlibat dalam Ultimate Shave Off sempena MOVEMBER MAKNA.Bersama beberapa rakan dari Ducati Club Malaysia, MrJocko dan rakan-rakan berkonvoi dari Solaris Mont Kiara menuju ke Great Eastern Mall Ampang bagi menyokong usaha penaja terutamanya MAKNA sempena kempen kesedaran penyakit Kanser ini.MOVEMBER sebenarnya dikenali juga dengan nama Moustache dan November. Ia dimulakan di Australia pada tahun 1999, di mana ia bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran tentang penyakit Kanser dan langkah-langkah pencegahan khas untuk kesihatan orang lelaki termasuk kanser prostate dan juga penyakit berkaitan kanser yang lain.Tahun ini, pihak Truefitt & Hill turut berkerjasama dalam menyokong usaha murni ini. Tahun ini Truefitt & Hill, salah sebuah ‘outlet barber shop’ yang terkenal di dunia menawarkan sesi ‘cukur’ percuma kepada rakan-rakan yang turut sama menyertai kempen ini. Truefitt & Hill memperkenalkan ‘The Ultimate Shavine Experience’ kepada mereka-mereka yang ini merasai pengalaman bercukur dengan kepakaran tukang cukur terbaik dari Truefitt & Hill.Selama sebulan lebih MrJocko tidak bercukur, terasa memang agak rimas. Maklum la, MrJocko jarang simpan Jambang dan Misai. Selalunya MrJocko simpan janggut sahaja. Kini selepas sebulan lebih, terasa semua panjang dan agak merimaskan.

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Tetapi demi menyokong usaha dan kempen kesedaran penyakit Kanser kepada kaum lelaki khasnya Kanser Prostate dan juga penyakit kanser lain, MrJocko teruskan.Kini, tiba masa untuk bercukur dan Alhamdulillah, tajaan bercukur kali ini diberikan oleh pihak Truefitt & Hill, jenama Barber Shop pertama di dunia yang kini anda boleh dapati di Malaysia. Untuk info, anda boleh mencuba pengalaman bercukur dengan selesa di Truefitt & Hill di lokasi outlet Great Eastern Mall Ampang, Bangsar Shopping Center dan juga JW Mariott Kuala Lumpur.Sempena dengan event The Ultimate Shave Off Movember ini juga, pihak Rainbow Team telah menyerahkan sejumlah RM200,000 sumbangan hasil kutipan mereka sejak September hingga November 2015.

Ia di serahkan sendiri oleh Rainbow Team Leader Dato’ Dr Arunan Selvaraj kepada pihak MAKNA.Berkenaan MAKNA, sehingga hari ini, lebih dari 450,000 pesakit kanser menerima bantuan dari pihak MAKNA. Sejak dari itu, MAKNA telah membelanjakan lebih dari RM63 juta untuk tujuan kos perubatan dan berkaitan untuk pesakit kanser di seluruh Malaysia.Sehingga hari ini, ada lebih dari 200 Volunteer yang aktif dalam membantu operasi dan menganjurkan lebih dari 150 aktiviti atau inisiatif setiap tahun.Tidak lupa, sejak dari tahun 2000 lagi, MAKNA memperuntukkan lebih RM10 juta untuk tujuan research & development dalam usaha membantu pesakit kanser. Dalam masa yang sama, pihak MAKNA berkerjasama dengan pihak Akademi Sains Malaysia dengan belanja sebanyak RM1.2 juta dalam pembangunan penyelidikkan saintis muda sejak tahun 2001.Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang MAKNA, sila layari laman web rasmi http://www.makna.org.my. THE University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) ceo and provost Prof Christine Ennew was cheered on and supported by staff and students recently as they gathered to watch her head being shaved. Professor Christine Ennew, CEO and Provost of The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) pledged to shave her head if RM 20,000 was raised as part of the Jom Botak campaign organised by Ace Society of UNMC and MAKNA.“Our students have been fundraising to help MAKNA enhance treatment and support for cancer suffers from disadvantaged backgrounds giving them the best possible chance to fight this devastating disease. They have worked tremendously hard and I wanted to offer them my support in the best way I could. It’s a small price to pay to be able to raise so much to support this important cause,” said Professor Ennew.The “Jom Botak” campaign is running for the fourth year in UNMC to raise funds, to increase awareness and to show support to cancer patients throughout Malaysia.

This year the campaign ran from 28 Oct to Nov 5.“We have raised over RM 20,000 and money continues to come in and on November 5 we were thrilled to get our CEO on board towards this pledge,” said He Manli, the Organising Chairperson of Jom Botak who is an 2nd year international business management student at UNMC.Several staff members and students also got their heads shaved as part of this campaign while others donated towards the individual pledges.“I was very pleased to participate in this initiative by MAKNA and UNMC’s student association. In Malaysia there is a risk that 15 percent of people would suffer from cancer before the age of 75. Early cancer diagnosis saves many lives. SUASANA ketika menerima rawatan hemodialisis pada pagi itu sedikit suram buat si genit Airen Nurain Nazemir, 8, apabila bayang-bayang sang penghibur tidak muncul di wad kanak-kanak Hospital Selayang, Selangor.“Mana Doktor Badut? Kenapa dia belum datang lagi? Doktor Badut janji nak datang hari ini tapi kenapa tak sampai lagi,” tanya Airen Nurain kepada ibunya dengan perasaan sedikit kecewa.Sambil menanti kehadiran sang penghibur, dia bermain permainan video di telefon pintar.Ketika sedang leka dengan telefon pintarnya kelihatan kelibat seorang lelaki berpakaian putih dan berhidung merah muncul di bilik rawatan tersebut.Wajah Airen Nurain yang muram terus tersenyum riang sebaik melihat sang penghibur muncul bersama seekor maskot burung berwarna hijau.“Doktor kenapa lambat?

Pada 18th October, Iday and Islam menghadiri majlis penyerahan cek antara AirAsia dan Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA) yang bertempat di Fahrenheit88. AirAsia berjaya mengumpulkan RM120 945.64 melalui kempen amal mereka iaitu #AirAsiaMAKNA yang berlangsung selama 5 bulan.Banyak kan dana terkumpul semasa kempen #AirAsiaMakna? Tahniah AirAsiaKalau nak tahu, dana yang terkumpul ni menerusi kempen #AirAsiaMAKNA di mana baju-T edisi istimewa dengan rekaan ikonik uniform krew penerbangan dan kapten juruterbang AirAsia dijual bagi meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai kanser.Baju-T edisi terhad ini, direka oleh AirAsia Allstars (kakitangan AirAsia) dijual pada RM30 sehelai di 23 lokasi di serata Malaysia, serta laman membeli-belah MAKNA.“Menurut statistik yang dikeluarkan, 1 dari 4 rakyat Malaysia terjejas akibat kanser. Kami di AirAsia ingin memainkan peranan dalam mendidik masyarakat awam mengenai pencegahan awal begitu juga dalam memberi semula kepada komuniti yang menerima perkhidmatan kami.Di setiap lokasi jualan #AirAsiaMAKNA, MAKNA turut berada di sana bagi memberi informasi dan panduan kepada masyarakat awam, mendorong mereka untuk mengetahui mengenai kanser dan membantu mereka yang memerlukan.

Tambahan dari itu, kami juga menggunakan kekuatan laman media sosial kami untuk menyebarkan informasi mudah mengenai kanser. Ini telah menerima sambutan positif dari masyarakat tempatan” – Aireen Omar, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AirAsia BerhadSebenarnya memang betul, Iday baru je dengar talk tentang breast cancer. Kebanyakan mereka yang menghidap kanser memerlukan support bukan dari segi kewangan tapi dari segi moral.MAKNA pula ditubuhkan dengan tujuan mengerakkan sumber- sumber dalam memberi perkhidmatan menyembuh, mencegah dan membantu pesakit kanser, keluarga mereka, kumpulan berisiko tinggi, serta masyarakat awam di Malaysia dan rantau ini. Publication: The Malysian InsiderMakna’s home visit team consists of two plucky and dedicated women, Suhaila Nik (left) and Noraini Khalid (right), who travel throught the country every month.

They are seen here with patients in Kuala Terengganu. – The Malaysian Insider filepic, September 13, 2015Cancer is a disease that often robs its victim of more than just health.

Publication: NST OnlineSHAH ALAM: “Karnival 3K”, a yearly affair organised by Electrical Engineering Department of Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, has attracted about 1,000 residents in the vicinity and polytechnic students, to take part in the event, today. About 16 agencies from various government, private sectors and non-government organisation were involved in the one-day programme. Among the agencies are, National Cancer Council (MAKNA), Advance Pact Sdn. Bhd, iM4U, Shah Alam City Council (MBSA), Petaling district health office, Fire and Rescue Department, Kota Anggerik, National Transplant Centre and many more.

Kertas Kerja Program Keusahawanan

The polytechnic deputy director Mohd Zin Hassan said the annual programme was aimed to raise awareness on hygiene, health and safety of all parties.Besides creating awareness, he said, the programme is a platform to build a bridge between the local community and the students including the agencies. In his speech, he said, currently the life expectancy of senior citizens is increasing and according to National Statistics Department, studied showed that the population of senior citizens, aged 60 years old has increased to 2 million in year 2009, as compared to 1.5 million in year 2000 in the country. “The number is expected to increase to 3.4 million of senior citizens, by 2035.This is because the way healthy lifestyle is practised,” he said. He said he was happy to see the number of the students’ participation.

KerjaKertas Kerja Program Sukarelawan Im4u

“Many of the students have donated blood and pledge for organ donation. We are happy that the programme was a success. I think without the students and the residents’ cooperation, I do not think that we may able to hit our targets, in blood donation and organ donation,” he said, after closing ceremony of the carnival, held at its main campus. Meanwhile, the one-day carnival carried out activities such as, free health screen, blood donation, gotong-royong, book sales, exhibitions and many more. Publication: The Malaysian Insider09 Sep 2015 — Makna, the not-for-profit cancer council of Malaysia, organises home visits in every state.

The home visits allow Makna to gauge the health of patients under its assistance. Patients wanting support register with the states’ Health Department and government hospitals, which will then be in touch with Makna. Patients receive an allowance which goes towards transport for chemotherapy treatments at the hospitals and medicine. The home visit team goes to rural, and semi-urban areas as many of the patients are from the lower-income group, or have lost income because of their illness. In some cases, they are abandoned and shunned by their families. They find solace and hope in the visits.Sarimah Ismail suffers from rectal cancer and is in remission.

Feisty and humorous, she looks forward to the day she can function like before as she ‘is bored being sick’. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.A lorry blocking the road to a kampung is among the obstacles faced by members of the National Cancer Council of Malaysia (Makna) during their rounds in Kuala Terengganu. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Ezuraimi Mohd Nor, 47, from Kampung Tasek Padang Kabar Bukit Payong, Marang, has been suffering from stage 4 breast cancer since 2014, and and has undergone chemotherapy six times.

– The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Books and treatment schedule of Esah Ismail, 53 from Kampung Wakaf Paya Besar Marang, who has been suffering from infiltrating ductal cancer since 2014. She has undergone chemotherapy six times and radiotherapy 20 times. Her daughter, Natasha Mansor, 27, stopped working to take care of her. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Jarismi Yahya showing his abdominal scars. He gave up on conventional medicine and started on naturopathy which healed him.

– The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Jarismi Yahya, 52, from Kampung Baru Rhu Muda Marang has been suffering from sigmoid carcinoma since 2014 and has undergone chemotherapy three times. He has had to stop work as a car wash worker. His son was also a leukaemia victim and died in 2007. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Many cancer patients believe in the healing properties of soursop (durian Belanda).

– The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Wan Kamariah Wan Othman, 42, from Kampung Teratak Baru Marang, has been a breast cancer patient since 2012 and underwent chemotherapy six times and radiotherapy 25 times. She has also tried traditional cures, such as soursop (durian Belanda) and Sabah snake grass (daun belalai gajah). – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.It’s a long day for the home visit team, but they do it because ‘we want to know if our patients are doing well.

If we don’t visit them, we feel lost’. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Che Amid Mohd Amin, 49, from Kampung Jenang Marang, suffers from T-cell lymphoma (mouth and nose) and has since lost his voice. He has six children and undergone chemotherapy six times. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Che Amid Mohd Amin is truly a survivor.

He has undergone chemotherapy six times and radiotherapy 10 times. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Cancer is an equal-opportunity illness. It strikes anyone of all ages and backgrounds. Arif Hakimi Awang Sofa, 10, was struck with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2010. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Omar Ali, 54, from Kuala Ibai, has been suffering from colon cancer since 2011 and has undergone chemotherapy 24 times. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Omar Ali runs a roti canai warong in Kuala Ibai and is now in remission.

He’s grateful to be alive and be with his family. ‘That’s all you can ask for from Allah.’ – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.The communications team goes along with the home visit team to provide support. The Terengganu visit is just one of the many trips they do. ‘We do it because of dedication. No one else will.’ – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Makna’s home visit team consists of two plucky and dedicated women, Suhaila Nik (left) and Noraini Khalid (right), who travel in the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak every month.


They are with patients in Kuala Terengganu. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2105.Peek Chin Kok and his wife moved to a newer but smaller home to make ends meet. Chin Kok has been suffering from thyroid cancer and underwent surgery twice. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Many of the patients are delighted to receive guests. They often offer a drink or a snack.

Mohd Badrul Hisyan Ngah, 36, from Kampung Pengadang Baru, is suffering from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, diagnosed in 2013, and has undergone chemotherapy 12 times. His wife (not in picture) suffers from breast cancer. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Che Ani Abdul Ghani, 59, from Kampung Pengkalan Atap Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu, with his grandchild.

Che Ani has been suffering from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma for the last 10 year and is still on treatment. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Alias Mat Nor, 52, with his wife Norlalieza Mamat, 36, (right) and stepdaughter Nuramiera Hadi, 13, from Kampung Mengabang Lekor Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu, is suffering from colon cancer. He was diagnosed in 2014 and has learnt to change his colostomy bag. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.Alias Mat Nor, 52, from Kampung Mengabang Lekor Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu, died from colon cancer shortly after The Malaysian Insider chronicled his suffering. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, September 9, 2015.