
Fire Pro Wrestling G English Patch

Where to begin?Firepro is my favorite wrestling series of all time.Yes they are worth getting.Theres a bit of a learning curve/feeling out process when you first start to play. Even if you hate it first, I implore you to keep playing it. Once you get the hang of it its an amazing game.All the wrestlers are fictitious, but theyre based on real wrestlers.

  1. Fire Pro Wrestling G Iso
  2. Fire Pro Wrestling G English Patch Psx

Fire Pro Wrestling G Iso

They dont have the same costumes and coloring of their real life counterparts (they do in the japanese versions), but you can edit them to look like they do in real life. And you can tell who they are by their moves and taunts. Yes there are MMA fighters in the game.

I believe theres even a multisided octagon like cage/ring in the game. I know there is in the console version, and Im pretty sure its in the gba games as well. The MMA aspects of the game arent as fleshd out as the pro wrestling, and they dont work as well as a result. Serial key generator.

If your only thinking of getting Fipro for the MMA stuff. You might be dissapointed.Its all sprite based 2D hand animated goodness. But that does give it a certain 'old school' look and feel, so be prepared for that. The gameplay is very deep, and the grappling system is timing based, its not about button mashing, and its not as random as a rock,paper.scissors type of game.Theres an edit mode where you can make your own guys, and there are lots of edit formulas for your favorite wrestler or mma fighter available on the intarwebs. Lots of faqs too.The first one can be had pretty cheaply, you can probably find it for under $10. So I suggest trying it out and if you like it pick up the second game.

The games arent that different tho, so only get both if you really like firepro. I can kinda see this point. The gba games are alot like the old snes firepros, which were great in their time, and still playable, but have been eclipsed by the much, much better looking and playing versions of the game that have been released for the Dreamcast & PS2. I still think you will get enjoyment out of these titles tho, especially if you are into pro wrestling.Let me be the voice of dissention. Fire Pro Wrestling 2 on the GBA controls rather clunky and is a pretty ugly game to look at. It's got bad music, and it just felt like an unsatisfying experience.

The GBA titles aren't up to snuff with the much better console versions of Fire Pro Wrestling. No DS game.yet. Were hoping for one tho!There are the 2 GBA games for firepro on the go.For the consoles, theres a bunch, but nothing for the cube unfortuantely. Keep in mind that all these console firpos are Japanese games, and you need to be able to play imports to play them.Super Fire Prowrestling X Premium (snes)Fire ProWrestling S: 6 Men Scramble (Saturn)Fire ProWrestling G (PS1)Fire ProWrestling D (Dreamcast)Fire ProWrestling Z (PS2)Fire ProWrestling Returns (PS2)I would reccomend the Dreamcast version, and Firepro R, the second game for the PS2. Thats the latest and greatest game in the series (I play it nearly everyday).I'm really curious now thanks to this thread about this series.

Is there a DS title available or just GBA? How about for the GC? I like older style 2D graphics and haven't liked many wrestling titles in years.thanks,RC. Are the ps2 versions us or japan only????????Japanese. However you can get an english patch for Fire Pro Returns to make most of it in english.

You will need the proper PS2 mods to play that though.The FPW series are good but overrated. They do have a tremendous ammount of wrestlers, moves, and options which is why people do like them.The gameplay isnt so great (most people seem to just simulate CPU vs CPU matches most of the time because of this) and the graphics are simple. I personally enjoy the 2d sprites but I can easily see it turning some people off.If you are a casual wrestling fan I wouldnt reccomend it, stick with the Smackdown series for PS2 or the DoR on Gamcube. If you are more then casual then definately check this out, its worth the $25 easily. It's not everyone's cuppa tea, and it has a steep, but short, learning curve. Once you get the hang of the game, it isn't challenging at all. It's still very realistic and amazing.I'd recommend, also, the King of Colosseum games for PS2.

They are 3-D Fire Pro style wrestling games, but they also have a MMA aspect, which controls very differently (so it's like having two games in one). Now, I don't know so much about MMA games, save for DreamCast UFC, so I have little basis of comparison; I'd recommend it anyway. Buy at least one of them (preferably 2). You can get it for next to nothing, so if you don't like it, no big loss. The Fire Pro games are impossible at first, but if you knock the difficulty way down to learn the timing and approach to the game, you'll never forget it, and can have some pretty damn exciting matches when you start cranking the difficulty up.If you DO like it, pick up a copy of Fire Pro Wrestling D for Dreamcast (since imports are easy to get going on the DC.just get a Gameshark or boot disc).

Fire Pro Returns for the PS2 is slightly better, but FPD is well worth your time if you don't want to mess with your PS2 to play imports.King of the Colosseum isn't bad. Some of the loading times can be frustrating, but if you dig the Fire Pro games you'll probably like it.

One thing that IS really cool about KotC is you can have CPU vs. CPU matches that are actually entertaining to watch, which is a rarity.It drives me nuts that no DS version has been announced yet.

They said a couple years back that Spike was working on a 'wrestling game' for the DS, but nothing since then. There's a ton they could do with the dual screens.information for your wrestler's health (arm/leg/body/etc), how the crowd is reacting.sigh. Since the DS is kicking PSP ass in Japan I'm still holding out hope that one is eventually coming. I have both the GBA games, and I can easily say that Fire Pro is overall superior to Fire Pro 2.

Fire Pro Wrestling G English Patch Psx

Fire Pro uses the 'Audience Mode,' in which the objective is impressing the audience in each of the wrestling styles, as its career mode.Can't agree there. While audience mode is a novel concept, in execution it is kind of hit-and-miss. I suppose it would help a bit of the game was in English, but even with the translation some of the more difficult tasks make it a bit more tedious than I'd like.I'd argue that the heart of Fire Pro, once you get the hang of the gameplay, is the CAW mode. In that regard, FPW2 is superior.in regards to this series, more = better.If only those lazy bastards had ported over the Management of Ring mode from the Japanese version.THEN I doubt there would be any debate.One thing to definitiely keep in mind - unfortunately, the timing of the GBA games and the console incarnations is a bit different. When I went from FPD to the GBA games, I got destroyed on the low difficulty because you really have to reeducate yourself (the GBA games require you to excute the move a split second sooner than the console games). I have to agree with Kanerobot that Audience mode in the first gba game is a hit or miss proposition.

The idea sounds great, but the reality is anything but.I played thru it as HHH, and I'd have a long back n forth match in which I hit every possible move from every position, and the match would rate a 65%. Then I'd have a 5 minute squash where I quickly destroyed my opponent and it would get a 85% rating.

I tried to experiment in matches by only utilising certain types of moves and I could never figure out what the game was looking for.For a first time Firepro player, either game would be fine. I recccomend the first game because its like half the price of part 2. Where can I get this for gba? I don't think it's available for any of my other systems - 360, GC, DS, PSP or PS1.


I already posted in the deal request section.- Your best bet is probably eBay for the GBA version.As for a console version, out of the systems you listed, the PS1 has Fire Pro G. It is an import game, so you would need some way to play import games. That being said, Fire Pro G is one of the weaker games in the series. The Battle Royal mode only has 4 wrestlers at a time, compared to 6 for Fire Pro S (Saturn) and 8 for Fire Pro D (Dreamcast).