
Mugen Download Iso Zone

A MUGEN Fighting game with 33 characters; ranging from DC, Metal Gear, Tekken, Marvel, Bleach, Naruto and many more there are also 2 bonus games and many marvelous stages to fight in. Controls. Player 1 Jump/Up - Up arrow key Crouch/Down - Down arrow key Foward/Back - Left/Right arrow key Light punch - A Medium punch - S Hard Punch - D Light kick - Q Medium kick - W Hard kick - E Taunt/Start - Enter. Player 2 Jump/Up - P Crouch/Down -; Foward/Back - L / ' Light punch - H Medium punch - J Hard Punch - K Light kick - Y Medium kick - U Hard kick - I Taunt/Start - Shift. Other: Pause = Pause Alt + Enter = Full screen.

MAIN SITE - Published by C.B. Jones 'The Mugen fan community are a silly bunch. One minute, you have people at each others throats for either stealing code, claiming ownership of content they didn't create themselves, and other random bickering. Then someone actually steps up and releases something worth getting excited about.

Enter Omega Supreme and his Transformers project. This fan game has a lot going for it. The first thing you will notice is that this is based off the original cartoon series. No scarp metal looking, CG movie effects here.

Just old school cartoon goodness! The downside: this game only features select characters from the original Transformers cartoons, none of the spin offs. This means there is not a Beast Wars character in sight. The severe lack of Cheetor is unexceptionable.

Beast Wars was the best series, It should be common knowledge. The cast selection makes me scratch my head a little. BumbleBee is M.I.A. But Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp made the cut. Starscream I understand.

Mugen Download Iso Zone Free

The other two are nothing more than recolors design wise. A lopsided roster would have been better than including two clone Decepticons. Dinobots would have been great. Those gripes aside, this is a very fun fan game. Granted, the animations look really goofy(walking, punches and kicks look hilariously bad.

Mugen Download Iso Zone 7

Doubt I could do any better though), but the overall game play is solid. The 'robots in disguise' gimmick is put to good use when supers are activated. Unlike Most Mugen games I reviewed in the past, this one isn't presented as a complete project. Everything is done(I assume). But characters are available as separate downloads with no screen pack or stages. This is good because you can install characters install characters into your own custom roster without having to worry about compatibility issues.'