
Exper Style Ses Driver

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World Champion Experience The World Champion is by far one of the best one day driving experiences offered at NASCAR Racing Experience and Mario Andretti Racing Experience! You drive (6) back to back 8 minute solo racing sessions, a total of 48 minutes with pit stops in between all with one on one feed back from your spotter. Work on achieving your top speeds in this amazing World Champion experience. Recommended for the hard core race fan. Plus the World Champion is now offered at Las Vegas Motor Speedway for either NASCAR Race Cars or Indy-style Race Cars. SALE $2149.99 (Retail: $3099.99).

Welcome to NASCAR Racing Experience, Richard Petty Driving Experience offering Authentic NASCAR Entertainment. And welcome to Mario Andretti Racing Experience, “World’s Fastest Driving Experience”. At NASCAR Racing Experience we put YOU in the drivers seat of a NASCAR race car that you can drive by yourself! This authentic NASCAR Driving Experience offered at Richard Petty Driving Experience will be the most authentic NASCAR driving experience or racing school you’ve ever attend.


And these driving experiences are offered at teh infamous Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Drive a NASCAR Race Car at NASCAR Racing Experience or drive an Indy-style race car at Mario Andretti Racing Experience, both of which are at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

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Drive a race car Las Vegas. And drive a race car at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.Racing Experience Las Vegas reservations are recommended. Space is limited and will sell out at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.